Influencers Drive Purchases

Influencers Drive Sales, But Authenticity Takes a Backseat, Study Finds

New research reveals that almost half of consumers (49%) make regular purchases influenced by influencers, with trust in these figures on the rise. However, a shift is happening:

  • Authenticity is losing its appeal: Especially for Gen Z, where follower count (47%) trumps authenticity (35%) as the most valued influencer trait.

  • AI influencers create mixed feelings: While 37% of consumers show interest in brands using AI influencers, an equal number express distrust.

  • Influencers become feedback channels: Consumers, particularly Gen Z and frequent buyers, are increasingly likely to share product feedback with influencers over brands.

  • Platform preferences vary: Instagram dominates overall, but Gen Z leans towards TikTok, while Gen X and Boomers favor Facebook.

Key takeaways for brands:

  • Engage with influencers strategically: Tap into their growing role as trusted voices and feedback channels.

  • Prioritize genuine, unbiased reviews: Offer exclusive discounts or promo codes to further incentivize engagement with influencer content.

  • Navigate the AI landscape carefully: While AI presents opportunities, understand the potential for consumer distrust.

  • Tailor your influencer marketing: Consider age-specific platform preferences and content interests.

Interested in maximizing your brand's influence? Our "market recognition" solution caters specifically to established companies and brands in the US market, helping you navigate this evolving landscape and leverage influencer marketing effectively.


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